Upland hemlock on floodplain had heavy cover by Brachyelytrum septentrionale and/or Thelypteris noveboracensis. There are also seeps and pools with open water or herb communities in the floodplain.;Floodplain of Blackwater River with undulating fluvial microtopogrophy. Conifer stand dominated by hemlock extends across floodplain with both open and wetland expressions. Plot is definitely wetland. Canopy dominated by hemlock with yellow birch and spruce. Understory with shaded dry open areas and wet areas with sphagnum, manna grasses, and skunk cabbage.
Portion of evergreen signature in floodplain with definite wetland status. Other parts of this conifer stand are upland and some areas have dramatic swales with wetlands in the low and upland on the highs.